Other Ways to Support

Amazon Smile

With just a few clicks you can support the Theatre every time you shop on Amazon – for free.

We are now working with AmazonSmile, a charitable feature of the popular online retailer that provides an automatic way for you to contribute to the Theatre every time you shop. It takes less than five minutes to sign up for AmazonSmile. Once it’s done, 0.5% of every purchase you make on Amazon will go to the Theatre.

  1. Go to https://smile.amazon.com
  2. On the next page, there will be a box to type the name of your chosen charitable organization. Type in “Fulton Theatre” and click search.
  3. Next to “Fulton Theatre”, click the yellow select button. (Make sure it’s the one in Lancaster, PA!)
  4. You’re done!

Now every time you shop on Amazon and use https://smile.amazon.com as your starting page, you will be helping to enrich lives by connecting theatre, culture, and people!



A search engine which donates 50% of its sponsored search revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users, GoodSearch is a unique online way to support the Fulton Theatre and our many programs and performances for the community.

Powered by Yahoo!, you use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine when surfing the internet, with each search you undertake generating about 1 cent for the Fulton. As a result, the more people who utilize GoodSearch as their search engine and designate our theatre as the intended funding recipient, the more money is raised for the Fulton. It’s important to note that the money GoodSearch donates comes from its advertisers—the participating users and the organizations don’t spend a dime!

Follow the instructions below to get started:

  1. Visit Goodsearch.com by following this link: www.goodsearch.com, then come back to this window (a separate window will open for the GoodSearch site).
  2. Under “WHAT DO YOU GOODSEARCH FOR?” click in the field that says “enter your charity here…”
  3. Enter “Fulton Theatre” and click the “Verify” button.
  4. Confirm that the field now shows “Fulton Opera House Foundation/Fulton Theatre (Lancaster, PA).”
  5. In the field next to “Search” button, enter the information you are searching for then click the “Search” button to start searching the Internet or scroll down the page to begin shopping at your favorite online stores!