Individual/Family Tour Request Form

  • List up to three preferred dates and times!
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
    Tours are one hour in length.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
    Tours are one hour in length.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
    Tours are one hour in length.
  • Please identify the age range of the tour participants so that we can determine the best artist to facilitate your tour.
  • Let us know about your group's needs.
  • This is an estimate. Numbers can be adjusted and must be confirmed with the box office at the time of final payment. Final payment must be made by 5PM on the previous business day.
    Price: $2.00
  • This is an estimate. Numbers can be adjusted and must be confirmed with the box office at the time of final payment. Final payment must be made by 5PM on the previous business day.
    Price: $5.00
  • There is a minimum $35 charge to cover the cost of the teaching artist. If the participant fee total is less than $35, the group must pay this minimum fee of $35 to cover this charge. The full payment must be received by 5PM on the previous business day. Confirm your participant totals with the box office at the time of payment.