Sensory Friendly Program

We'd like to provide as many resources for families with sensory needs.


Parents of young people with a sensory need can be reluctant to attend live theatre.  Dedicated to inclusion, Fulton Theatre invites families with a child with a sensory need or other social, cognitive and physical challenges to participate in our Sensory Friendly Program at any Family Saturday Morning Series.  We provide supports and resources for young people with a special need at all of our Family Series Productions.  See the list of resources below.

  • Fulton Theatre welcomes every child to attend the Eichmann Family Series and recognizes that all children are developing their appropriate theatre engagement skills.  All patrons of the Family Series sometimes talk during the performance, and/or must exit to the lobby when the child is disturbed by action on stage.  Some youth may only be able to sit for 10-minutes of the production, while others will sit attentively for the full 60-minute performance.  Fulton Theatre remains open and flexible to the length of time each child is able to sit with focus and attention, and invites all children to engage in their current level of abilities.
  •  We recognize that youth on the autism spectrum sometimes pace when they feel bored, uncomfortable and excited.  We also understand that as they pace the child is simultaneously processing information!  To accommodate these various abilities, the Fulton will make a television monitor available in the lobby for children requiring a mid-program break.
  • Social stories and other resources will be made available to program participants through Fulton’s website, with follow-up instruction and support provided upon request the week the family attends a Family Series Production.



60- to 70-minute age-appropriate productions without an intermission.  Typically Saturday performances. Check show page calendar for dates and times.

Stay tuned for information regarding dedicated Sensory-Friendly performances.



Potential Triggers   Every person has an emotional and physical response to various stimuli.  The theatre and performances are filled with stimuli.  By reviewing this list, you may be able to identify stimuli that have potential to negatively trigger your child.  Notify us of stimuli that trigger your child when you make your ticket request!

Social Story  This parent version of the social story titled “What Happens When I Go to the Theatre” will help you prepare your child for attending the theatre.  A social story for each production will be available on the each show’s web page the day-before the opening performance.

Fidgets   A special fidget, created by Fulton’s Costume Department, is given to children with special needs and each member of the party.

Special Visit   A special visit and tour of the theatre can be arranged in the week prior to a performance your child is attending.  Your child will get to know their seats, and may see/touch various set and costume pieces, or experience sounds and lights that will be part of the production.